Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you to appoint another person or organisation to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do it yourself. If you want another person, often a member of your family, to act on your behalf in making financial or medical decisions, you will need to give them Power of Attorney over your affairs.
Making a Power of Attorney allows you to plan ahead and are often created alongside a Will. There are two types of Power of Attorney, one for Property and Affairs and another for Health and Welfare. The documents come into effect when they are registered at the office of the Public Guardian.
A Property and Affairs Power of Attorney allows the nominated person to deal with your money, bills and other assets including any property and land. There are options that allow you to restrict the amount of power. A Power of Attorney relating to Health and Welfare allows the nominated person to deal with your decisions relating to your health such as operations, medical care, residential or nursing home placements.
Our team are here to help you, so if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us. All members of our team are qualified and experienced private client Solicitors, which means you can be assured of the highest quality advice. We also have a Solicitors for the Elderly Accredited Specialist and several Dementia Friend Solicitors so you will be in the very safest of hands with us.
Meet The Power of Attorney Team

Danielle Tysall
Managing Partner
Qualifications & accredited industry associations:
LLB (Hons), Fully Accredited member of Solicitors for the Elderly, Treasurer of Stockport Incorporated Law Society, Trustee of Age UK Trafford
Year of qualification: 2010
Specialties: Conveyancing, Court of Protection, Wills, Probate and Powers of Attorney
with a special interest in Elderly Client Law.

Linda Salah Best
Senior Solicitor (Private Client)
Qualifications & accredited industry associations: Senior Solicitor (Private Client)
Year of Qualification: 1994
Specialties: Trusts and Estates administration, acting as a professional Trustee and acting for elderly clients including acting as a professional Attorney or Court Appointed Deputy