Wills & Trusts Stockport
Most people will require a Will as it is important that your assets go to the people that you love. We look at your family situation and can advise on care for both children and seniors as well as wills, trusts and inheritance tax.
Elderly and vulnerable care
Our Solicitors for the Elderly Accredited Specialist and Dementia Friend Solicitors are here to help with all cases relating to care fees, disputes and continuing health care. We help you to understand the funding options available to you and likely costs, putting your affairs in order and ensuring your best interests and needs are met.
Free Wills Scheme
We are big believers in giving something back and help many local and national charities out throughout the year by running Free Wills Schemes. We assist Cancer Research UK and The Stroke Association (for those who are aged 60+). There is no cost to you, but the charities hope that you will remember them in your will. Please ask for more details.
Each year we also operate a free Will week for St Ann’s Hospice, The Christie, East Cheshire Hospice, Amnesty International, Cancer Research UK and take part in the free Will month for Will Aid.

Inheritance Tax
Our specialist team can give you practical advice on how to leave your assets to your loved ones without them encountering large inheritance tax charges. Charges are currently set by the government at 40% on anything above the threshold of £325,000, although there may be some other allowances that can be claimed. Speak to our experienced team to ensure you loved ones do you receive any large unexpected bills.
Trusts are created when you need to give someone the responsibility to look after assets for another person. They allow you to ring fence assets with potential tax savings. Trust rules are complex and there are a variety of types available, please call to arrange an appointment with one of our experts so we can look at which ones are most suitable for your requirements.
A Will not only covers what happens to your assets but can also outline who will become the guardian for your children, carer for your parents and surrogate to your pets. You can specify funeral arrangements and who you would like to inherit your family treasures. Our experienced team know all of the right questions to ask to ensure you have fully understood your situation and are happy with the outcome.
Meet The Wills & Trusts Team

Danielle Tysall
Managing Partner
Qualifications & accredited industry associations:
LLB (Hons), Fully Accredited member of Solicitors for the Elderly, Treasurer of Stockport Incorporated Law Society, Trustee of Age UK Trafford
Year of qualification: 2010
Specialties: Conveyancing, Court of Protection, Wills, Probate and Powers of Attorney
with a special interest in Elderly Client Law.

Linda Salah Best
Senior Solicitor (Private Client)
Qualifications & accredited industry associations: Senior Solicitor (Private Client)
Year of Qualification: 1994
Specialties: Trusts and Estates administration, acting as a professional Trustee and acting for elderly clients including acting as a professional Attorney or Court Appointed Deputy